Toxic Chemical Review Process Faulted
Eric Pianin, Washington Post ,Monday, July 16, 2001; Page A02

Health Fears over Sludge Spur Quest For Controls
- David Snyder and Fredrick Kunkle, Washington Post, Aug.5, 2001

Shield's comments re Wash.Post Aug.5: Health Fears over Sludge - E-mail of Aug.7, 2001

Shield's interview of sludge victim Ron Letcher, Aug.20, 2001

Your Local Wasteland - Caroline Snyder's Letter to the Editor, Washington Post, Aug.23, 2001

In Defense of Sludge - Letter to the Editor, Washington Post: Ken Kirk, Exec.Dir., Association of Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies (AMSA), Aug.24, 2001

Letter to the Editor: Washington Post - Albert Gray, Deputy Exec.Dir, Water Environment Federation (WEF), Aug.24, 2001

Shield's comments re above letters to the Editor: (E-mail of Aug.25, 2001)
"I think they are getting nervous. No real attempts to rebut the illnesses recited by sludge victims .... they are obviously POd the W/P published Caroline's well written letter to editor, detailing the discharge of toxic industrial wastes into POTWs which end up in the sludge ...they attempt to discredit her personally --not the truth of what she wrote !. "

Sludge-Spreading Raising Concerns Over Health Fears
- Fredrick Kunkle, Washington Post, Aug.23, 2001

Results of websearch concerning some 19 cases of health effects of sludge exposure
Shields to WEF, Aug.26, 2001

BLO fecit 20010826; updated: 20010829